
Although we consider all our tiles to be Art Tile, here we showcase pieces that were conceived out of creative inspirations and done as illustrations or as paintings on tile. They include images and ideas that may not normally appear on tiles. Themes include local scenery, architectural landmarks, and wildlife scenes of flora and fauna as well as sports and surfing or surreal and abstract images and designs and more. All are treated like individual art pieces and done solely as art. Some are personalized for specific locations and situations people may have requested but certainly done as art show pieces. If you want something unique or one of a kind, anything, we can create it for you. Or, check out some of our existing single Art Tile designs which are perfect for gifts and decorating etc, we may already have something for you. Remember, Art is our middle name!

See Topanga Art Tile featured in Watershapes Magazine!


One of the latest projects Topanga Art Tile is working on is a “Living Mural” at the Rotary House in downtown Los Angeles on Skid Row. Although we do many fancy and elaborate projects for high-end residence, hotels, restaurants etc as well as many public spaces we are also involved with our community in other ways that enhance the spaces people use on an everyday basis such as schools, libraries and other public spaces...more

Sample Projects